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KOREAN Signature Type
The name “DOBE” is the abbreviation for “Do challenge and be top!”.
It contains our sprit of pursing to be K-class(top of Korea), then W-class(Top of the world!) through innovation and challenge.
The curve at the bottom of our logo shows the green pastures, the “O” character symbolizes the rising sun. This picture shows our strong will to rise as a World-class company through innovative growth, so we will provide the joy and wholesome benefit.
The orange color means, again, our strong will to grow World-class by creativity and innovative mindset.
The grey color emphasizes that we value the harmony of human race and the nature and promises with our customers.
The name “DOBE” is the abbreviation for “Do challenge and be top!”.
It contains our sprit of pursing to be K-class(top of Korea), then W-class(Top of the world!) through innovation and challenge.
The curve at the bottom of our logo shows the green pastures, the “O” character symbolizes the rising sun.
This picture shows our strong will to rise as a World-class company through innovative growth, so we will provide the joy and wholesome benefit.
The orange color means, again, our strong will to grow World-class by creativity and innovative mindset.
The grey color emphasizes that we value the harmony of human race and the nature and promises with our customers.
CI Color
DOBE IND.CO.,LTD, CEO : Hyunkyu Park
Business License : 129-81-17683
Headquarters & Factory 1 :
6 Sanbon-ro 77beonan-gil, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Factory 2 :
25 Sanbon-ro 77beon-gil, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
TEL : +82-31-477-8524 FAX : +82-31-477-8525
E-mail :
© 2022 DOBE Corp Inc. All rights reserved.
DOBE IND. CO., LTD. CEO : Hyunkyu Park Business License : 129-81-17683
Headquarters & Factory 1 : 6 Sanbon-ro 77beonan-gil, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Factory 2 : 25 Sanbon-ro 77beon-gil, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
TEL : +82-31-477-8524 FAX : +82-31-477-8525 E-mail :